
Showing posts from December, 2017

Blog 5 - Final Reflection

4.5 years taking classes in the GVSU Math Department. I have taken several classes that at one point or another I asked myself "Will I ever use this again"? Now that I am taking my final math classes in my educational career, I can look back at these experiences and answer that question confidently with a strong "YES!". Taking MTH495 at this point in my math education has taught me so much. It has pulled in topics from prior classes that I thought I had forgotten all about, it has tied together loose ends of understandings, and gone even further into some ideas than I thought was humanly possible. This class as a whole has tied together a multitude of concepts that I had encountered in my prior math classes, as well as introduced new ideas about math. Not only has this class taught me about these new mathematical concepts, but I've been exposed to them in ways that I can translate to my future as an educator. I appreciate the approach that John had to this cla...